21-Days to Mindset Mastery

21 Days to Upgrade Your Mindset, Take Control of Your Life, See Opportunity Everywhere, and Live Life in Mindset Beastmode.

I want Mindset Mastery!
[In a most interesting turn of events, a Clinical Behavioral Psychologist has recommended this course to her patients. Continue reading to see the story.]


Self-defeat. Pessimism. Crippling self-doubt. Knowing you haven’t yet seen “you at your best.”

If you’re like most people, you feel these feelings every day. And you’re tired of them.

You’ve been sitting on ideas. You’ve been saying there’s more to learn. More to do. The timing isn’t right. The idea isn’t right.

Yes, something’s not right with your equation… But it’s not the idea. It’s not the timing. It’s not even you — or your abilities.

It’s your mindset.

Your mindset is failing you. Your mindset is the anchor. Your mindset is making you feel trapped and inadequate.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t suspect you’re walking around all day hating yourself and intentionally self-sabotaging. I don’t even think you’re trying to hold yourself back.

I think your intentions are probably great.

Mine were too.

But, if I’ve learned anything in my personal journey and research, it’s that life is about actions… not intentions. And let me be perfectly clear, thoughts are actions. 

Thoughts are the seed of physical action. That’s why thoughts are the single most important actions we take. When we think, we eventually do. When we do, the world changes around us.

Most people train their bodies. You probably go to the gym, workout, and enjoy learning sports.

But Master Athletes focus a level deeper. Masters analyze their food consumption, flexibility, and breathing to attain a level of physical mastery and dominance over their own bodies.

Most people work to learn new things and improve important daily functions. We read books on personal finance, business strategy, or marketing.

But what if we looked a level deeper?

What if we looked at how the mind works? What if, rather than learning new information, we focused on mastering our underlying mindset?

What would happen in our world if we did that?

Look around. The answer is EVERYWHERE.

Marcus Aurelius, one of the greatest emperors of Rome mastered his mindset and wrote about it almost 3,000 years ago.

Dale Carnegie wrote about it directly and indirectly in each of his books, like How to Win Friends and Influence People. He attributes his success to his mindset, as well.

You’ve no doubt heard of Think And Grow Rich, one of the most read business books of all time. It’s almost 100 years old and almost every successful CEO accredits this book to a monumental shift in their life and success. What did it say? Master your Mind and achieve your dreams.

If you think it sounds hokey, that’s because you still don’t fully understand.

Look around today. Name one person who’s reached MASSIVE success and you’ll see that they have an atypical amount of mastery over their mind. They train longer than anyone else. They do more due-diligence than anyone else. They practice longer than anyone else. They code more than anyone else.

People like to attribute success to lucky breaks, performance enhancing drugs, or whatever else takes the credit away from the Agent. The thought that luck has anything to do with success, in and of itself, shows a lack of understanding about how true success works.

Success is the result of countless hours and days of right thinking, self-belief, and commitment. It comes from knowing you have a mastery of your mind.

If you want to be great, if you want to change the world for the better, you have to master your mindset.

But, since you’re reading this, I’m willing to bet that you do understand the importance of Mindset Mastery.

It’s not easy, but if you took the time to re-wire your brain, upgrade the software, and improve your underlying mindset things would begin to change IMMEDIATELY.

You’d be happier. You’d see each day and each new challenge as an amazing new opportunity. You’d understand that certain things are beyond your control and you’d only worry about what you can control.

You’d feel a sense of freedom. With opportunity comes options. And options are valuable. Options remove mental cages. You’d get to experience that wonderful freedom of choice.

You’d feel empowered. With choice, a weak mind can freeze, but you won’t. Not anymore. You’d know that there are no wrong choices. You’d prioritize action and you’d act powerfully.

And you’d feel a wonderful sense of momentum. With each powerful action, you’d see an equally powerful reaction from the world around you. The positive feedback loop would re-enforce the habit. And with each new day, you’d step more and more powerfully into this new Mindset and new way of living.

So how do you master your mind?

If it were as simple as reading a book, EVERYONE would be a complete and total boss.

Millions upon millions of Napoleon Hill, Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, Paulo Coelho, books have been sold and read. The information doesn’t stick. The habits don’t form. And millions upon millions are left doubting the power of the message these authors have shared.

But, I found the solution.

After about 10 years of reading self-help book after self-help book, the lessons finally stuck.

And today I have a level of Mindset Mastery that I’ve never experienced before.

It’s gotten me to start living the closest version of the exact lifestyle of my dreams today. I’ve built a paid community of entrepreneurs, started a podcast, and am building engines for long-term wealth creation. Every day, I focus on serving my community as powerfully as possible.

So what was the key? What made the change?


Repetitions. Daily repetitions, actually.

If you want something to stick, you need to read it more than once. You need to live it. To breathe it. To carry it around with you daily.

In years past, I would devour a book and head to the next. I’d watch hours and hours of inspiring TED talks. I’d write about my dreams.

…And then I’d move on to the next thing.

In 2015, I did a number of things to improve my mindset in new ways. And the cocktail of experiences has shaped what I believe to be the KEY to Mindset Mastery.

Every day for 12 weeks I journaled 3 full pages of handwritten notes in my first ever The Artist Way course by Julia Cameron.

I read each chapter every day for 30 days the first time I read The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino.

I copied the world’s greatest sales letters and advertisements by hand for an hour every morning when I purchased Copy Hour by Derek Johanson.

And I read about the power of the mind every day for 21 Days when I was challenged to read As A Man Thinketh by James Allen every day for 3 weeks.

After reading As A Man Thinketh every day, meditating on the principles it preaches, and taking notes in the margin… it finally stuck.

The last ten years of reading everything I could about “the secrets” and the hidden power of the mind. It finally clicked.

For the first time in my life, I knew my true power and potential and was actually able to step into it.

I began living big (and have been ever since).

I shared the 11 pages of As A Man Thinketh (free to download all over the internet) with everyone I could. I told them about the power of those 45 mins (11 pages in 45 mins?! it’s written in an old English that was brutal work through). Each day my outlook on life and my mental well being improved.

I told everyone I could about the power of reading, re-reading, and re-reading those words.

Yet, no one did it.

Not one person. Not for 21 days, at least.

Why? It wasn’t because they didn’t want to. It wasn’t because they didn’t believe in the power. They didn’t read it every day for a number of reasons.

First, the book sucks to read. Seriously. It was miserable. Crazy-long run on sentences. Old words. You need a thesaurus handy as you read it.

Second, as a rule, it’s incredibly easy to let things slip. Download the book. Print it. Read it for a few days and before you know it, boom. You’re mentally checked out. Habits don’t form over night.

Third, zero accountability leads to zero success. There were no reminders. No one checked in on them. Once you got the PDF, you were sort of on your own.

Fourth, there’s a ton of value in repetition but it’s got to be the right kind of repetition. Re-reading an old book, no matter how well intentioned is miserable. Repeating the message, in new ways is the way to make it stick.

So people were letting it slip… but not anymore!

I listened to all the feedback from friends and I’ve fixed all those problems. I’ve made it so you can and will experience the life-changing power of Mindset Mastery. I’ll explain it below.

Allow me to introduce, 

21-Days to Mindset Mastery:

Upgrade Your Mindset to Take Control of Your Life, See Opportunity Everywhere, and Live Life in Mindset Beastmode.

I want Mindset Mastery!

Problems Mindset Mastery works to solve:

 — Feelings of helplessness(feeling trapped on the conveyer belt of life).
 — Feeling miserable(feeling like nothing is working in your favor, that life sucks)
 — Feeling Poor (feelings like things aren’t enough and that you’ll never get enough)
 — The mind-numbing effects of re-reading a boring old book
 — The easy escape that comes when you have zero accountability or reminders
 — The painful process of repeating one thing, one way, for 21-Days.

How you’ll feel during and after:

 — Challenged intellectually. Your opinions and ingrained worldviews will be challenged. You will also learn that you can commit to yourself.
— Empowered. You’ll be more confident than ever in your ability and in the work you can do. You’ll show up differently in conversations and feel a heightened sense of possibility.
— Excited. You’ll see challenges, difficulties, and the rest of life’s circumstances as exciting opportunities for growth and adventure. Looking for opportunity, you’ll find it.
— Confident. You’ll have the clearest vision of your future you’ve ever had, you’ll have a plan, and have formed the habit of daily action to use as you realize your vision.

Explain Each Day (Time Commitment):

Each night at 8:30 pm for 21 Days, you’ll get an emailed homework assignment… the email will take approx. 5 mins to digest.  

Each morning, first thing, you’ll be asked to complete your homework assignment… 30 mins or less of work (15-20 mins work, optional 5 min break, 10 mins work). 

(If you care about you, you will commit to these 30 mins per day.)

Explain Homework (The Science):

It’s proven that you learn things, to a level of mastery, when you: Read, Write, See, Watch, Hear, Speak, and Feel the information.

The homework will ask you to do something new every day. Each night you’ll read a passage, watch a video, listen to an audio. Each morning you’ll review the content from the night before and either, write, recite, or, in some form or another, feel the lesson from the night before.

Each assignment will re-enforce the message of opportunity, agency, and power. By the end of the 21-days, you will be knowing in your core that you are the maker and master of your own life. That you have the power to handle everything that comes your way. And that you can create wealth because you can create incredible value for people around you.

“I loved it for so many reasons, but especially because it set in motions those “rules” I’ve known all along but wasn’t able to incorporate into my life.
“‘Your thoughts are powerful’ is as true as it sounds cliche, but now I can see how that abstract constructs the foundation of my (better) self.  It takes practice to create discipline and it takes discipline to change one’s life. I believe I have started on this path, and that this time I won’t throw the towel when life gets in the way. I loved the daily challenges and will surely miss them (even if some days were really hard because they required a level of self-honesty borderline cruel). I now know on a deeper, more raw place of my being that my future is only my responsibility and my own doing and that if I don’t actively tend to it the “weeds” of the world will fill my garden.
“If I must be completely honest (and I think you’d like me to), I slightly cheated the program. I took advantage of a pivotal personal moment (quit my job, got divorced and moved stateside) to start this journey of self-discovery and bettering myself.
“I complimented the course with cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness exercises. Every time I finished a challenge I discussed with my therapist the emotions involved in the soul searching and how this new approach was helping me cope and move forward. She is also a huuuuge fan of the 21DMM and said she would review it to suggest it in the future to some of the patients, based on the results it was giving me.
“I don’t believe in coincidences so I’m sure the cosmic forces conspired to have you deliver this message to me now, when I’m ready to hear it and to put in the elbow grease necessary to make it a reality in my everyday life.
“Thank you SO MUCH for making your journey about helping others.” – Miriam

If you commit, I’m certain you’ll say that the 21-Days to Mindset Mastery course has changed your life forever. Click “let’s go!” to join this course.

I want Mindset Mastery!


“I’m pretty swamped with work and, you know, life. I just don’t think I can commit. What do you think, Tone?”

I think it’s time to commit! Seriously.

Look around. Kevin Hart. Dwayne Johnson. The Sharks on Shark Tank. GaryVee. Those people commit. They add to their plate and they rise to the occasion.

You don’t have to, though. To be clear, you don’t have to want to be those people. I just think that now is the time. This is your chance. Take the step.

Start your days with 30mins of intention, reflection, and calm and watch how you start to go to a whole new level of beastmode on work that used to leave you feeling “swamped”.

“I’m way too busy kickin’ ass at life, but I love the idea. How can I help you?”

If that’s the case, help would be sharing this course with your friends, family, or colleagues.

Look around. Who has told you that they’re feeling stuck? Who’s said they feel like they’re underperforming? Who’s said that they don’t feel in control of their life right now?

I don’t want you to “buckshot” your network. That’s spammy and weird.

But, if you can think of some people, specifically, please make sure they know about this course. And make sure I know you’re reaching out to them. We could work out a way to “gift the course” or make sure they get in on this, if they want to, of course.

“I’m not an entrepreneur. You made this for entrepreneurs, right?”

No! I made this for human beings. Specifically, human beings who want to do more, feel more, think more, show up bigger, make more of a difference, feel empowered, and, generally, feel a sense of opportunity and possibility. Pretty much all the stuff that all the “Woo-Woo” books promise.

We had actors, personal trainers, marketers, teachers, students, grunt workers, and executives in the first course. They ALL saw value in the course.

“I’ve seen The Secret and read some self-help books before (and I think they’re BS)… how’s this different?”

To be clear. I don’t think The Secret, or Think and Grow Rich, or anything about “energy work” and “vibrations” is BS. But I do think the way people try to teach/learn that material is BS.

Reading As A Man Thinketh once, will not change your life. Watching The Secret once will not change your life.

The magic in not in the “information” in this course. The magic is in the “transformation” in the course. I don’t want to give away the surprises, transformations, that show up in the 3-Phases of the 21-Days to Mindset Mastery.

But suffice it to say that the daily repetition, daily intentions, and carefully crafted progression from day to day, and week to week is where the magic happens.

It’s transformative. You’ll see.

What to do next:

1) Sign up for the waiting list here. >> https://www.tonyubertaccio.com/subscribe/


2) Please share this with a friend who you think would love this course. 

Working with someone helps keep YOU accountable. And, as you know, I only care about commitment.

Send this page to a friend to them with a short note, “Will you take this course with me?”

3) Be Awesome

You already are – that’s a given. But especially if you read this whole thing.

I thank you, I love you.

Let’s go beastmode in 2024, Tony 

If you commit, I’m certain you’ll say that the 21-Days to Mindset Mastery course has changed your life forever. Click “let’s go!” to join this course.

I want Mindset Mastery!